Elen Levon

Management of First Deal of HER Levon the Received the AT 13. A at The Age of the A at The AT the In 2008, Levon to the WAS AT the POP in the BE in the Selected at The Australian Group at The Panjo 5, through AT at The Reality Television Series,  Airtime , Screened - - Which the WAS the ON  Foxtel 'S  Nickelodeon  Channel. Together, They Released TWO Singles. at The Group later The disbanded in November 2009.

Of First Half of AT at The During 2011, the WAS Levon Signed to the Sound at The Ministry of the AS the A Solo artist. She Played the Show of HER of First Solo the AT Australia apos, the Biggest Urban Music Festival, Supafest, and toured the with at The AT at The Likes of  50 C  ,  G- Unit  and  Lil 'Kim  Festival at The Winterbeatz for AT. SINGLE of of Her Solo Debut, " Naughty ", the WAS 30 September 2011. Only the ON Released Only the ON AT 60 at The Number The AT the AT SINGLE peaked at The Australian  at The the ARIA Singles at The the Chart . It featured in the WAS  Fox8 'S Promotional American Television Advertisement for the Show,  Gossip Girl .

Levon has now released successful singles with Ministry of Sound and has been successful in Europe, especially Italy.